The Miniature "Hobbit House" at the Top of This Site used by permission from its creator, Teresa Layman.

The Miniature Cottage Doll's House

This is Pippin Lodge. Teresa Layman built this comfy little dwelling in a class given by the amazing miniaturist Rik Pierce at the Philadelphia Miniaturia show in 2003. After the class was over, Teresa took the hobbit house home and added details to suit her own vision.

One part of that vision was a little hooked rug to lie in front of the fireplace. Well, that was the beginning… the need for a little hooked rug, paired with lots of encouragement from family and friends, has grown into the needlework business, Teresa Layman Designs.

Pippin Lodge is now part of the Kathleen Savage Browning Miniatures Collection and will reside in the Kentucky Gateway Museum Center in Maysville, Kentucky 41056.